Wiscasset Parks and Recreation
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Senior Center Wednesday Evening Dinner Register View Cart

March Dinner Menu

Meals are prepared by our Senior Center Cooks Marjorie DiVece.

Meals will be served on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Items on the menu at the Wiscasset Senior Center Dinners (subject to change)

  • Main meals shown in Activities (Calendar)
  • Soup with each meal, if appropriate.
  • Beverages, to be supplied by Senior Center
  • Mixed salad with 4 dressings (Italian, Ranch, Thousand Islands and Blue Cheese)
  • Bread (rolls) for each table (tables seat up to 8 people)
  • Desserts (Examples: Bread Pudding, Cake, Ice Cream, Apple Crisp and Pudding with Cookie)
  • horsd'oeuvre: Cheese & Crackers

Alternative dinner is Chicken (TBD on how prepared)
Meals are $12.00 for all, discounts given for Senior Center Members.
Starting in September all meals are going to be $10.00 for Senior Center Members (Senior Center) and $12.00 for non-members per meal.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Call 882-8230 for reservations
December Dinner - Wednesday, December 18th- Cooked by Marjorie DiVece  
1y - 100y N/A 12/18/2024
04:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Wiscasset Senior Center
$12.00 CP Rate, $12.00 Standard Rate
Tuscan Ribollita, Anadama Rolls, Salad, Roast Pork, Roasted Potato Wedges, Roasted Root Vegetables, Apple Pie a la Mode
Please call 882-8230 to make reservations for dinner before 12 noon on Tuesdays prior to Wed. Dinner, respectively.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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