Wiscasset Parks and Recreation
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Monday Night Cornhole Register View Cart

Join us for Cornhole on Monday nights! 

We will be playing Cornhole in the WCC gymnasium on Monday evenings 6:00 - 9:00, November through April. This will be a weekly event, with a double elimination tournament (4 Round - Round Robin, PPR ranked draw (switchholio) - starting as close to 6:00pm as possible) every Monday evening, if there's a sporting event we can stream, we will be looking to show that as well throughout the season! 

We will be using the Scoreholio app (pre-registration available) for each Monday evening tournament!

Cost will be $10.00 per person, with up to 75% of the tournament fees split up amongst the 1st, 2nd and possibly 3rd place winners, depending on number of entries. We are also holding an Airmail Competition that progresses throughout the season, $$$ per bag thrown ($5.00 entry each week).
Bring your friends or come solo, just be ready to play and have fun.
Back River Bistro will be providing the bar & food services (beverages) for these evenings! 

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Register each Monday!
14y - 99y N/A 10/28/2024 - 05/05/2025
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Wiscasset Community Center - Gymnasium
$10.00 CP Rate, $10.00 Standard Rate

Registration is done in person, each Monday evening.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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