Youth T-Ball & Baseball (Rookie League)
This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.
PARADE & PICTURE DAY, May 4th, schedule coming soon!
We (Wiscasset Parks & Recreation Department) are excited to announce that we are entering our 3rd year, taking registration for all Boothbay area players as well!
We have joined forces with area towns (Boothbay & Richmond areas) to become a Charter League for Cal Ripken.
WPRD is still going to be offering T-Ball & Youth Baseball/Softball (Rookie League - Unchartered) for all boys & girls.
Depending on registration numbers for each community (Wiscasset & Boothbay), T-Ball & Rookie league could be combined to make teams to compete and practice with!
Last year was a building year and we should be able to build the program further this coming 2024 season!
This program is age appropriate and gives our youth a competitive level of play with kids of similar skill level and age.
All Skills clinics will consist of Hitting, Fielding, Pitching (Throwing) and Catching Stations, all schedules are subject to change!
T-Ball (Co-ed) ages 4 - 6 (ages determined as of April 30, 2024).
Wiscasset T-Ball will have a practice during the week (TBD) and games on Saturday mornings; WES field, WCC Playground Field & WMHS Softball field are the fields used.
Boothbay T-Ball will have a practice during the week (TBD) and games on Saturday mornings; Clifford Field & other Boothbay area fields are used.
Wiscasset T-Ball Skills clinic's are scheduled for:
(Depending on field conditions, field still to be determined)
Thursday, April 25th, 5:45-7:00 pm
Saturday, April 27th, 10:00-11:00 am
Thursday, May 2nd, 5:45-7:00 pm
Games will start on May 4th
Boothbay T-Ball Skills clinic's are scheduled for:
(Depending on field conditions, field still to be determined)
Wednesday, April 24th, 4:30-5:30 pm
Saturday, April 27th, 10:00-11:00 am
Wednesday, May 1st, 4:30-5:30 pm
Games will start on May 4th
T-Ball Fee: Free to WCC Members, $30.00 Fee for Members after March 30th
$25.00 for Community Partner (Westport, Wiscasset, Alna & Dresden)
$30.00 for Standard non-members
$10.00 late fee for CP/Standard if registered after March 30th
Includes t-shirt and hat
Youth Baseball/Softball (Rookie League) will consist of ages 7 - 8 (ages determined as of April 30, 2024). Separate baseball & softball teams if the numbers (registrations) warrant. If needed, 9 year old children with limited experience on the ball field will be allowed to play Rookie League.
Wiscasset Rookie will have practice(s) during the week (TBD) and games on Saturday mornings; WES field, WCC Playground Field & WMHS Softball field.
Boothbay Rookie will have practice(s) during the week (TBD) and games on Saturday mornings; Clifford Field & other area Boothbay fields.
Wiscasset Youth Baseball/Softball (Rookie League) Skills Clinic's are scheduled for:
Wednesday, April 24th, 5:45-7:00 pm
Saturday, April 27th, 8:30-10:00 am
Wednesday, May 1st, 5:45-7:00 pm
Games will start on May 4th
Boothbay Youth Baseball/Softball (Rookie League) Skills Clinic's are scheduled for:
Wednesday, April 24th, 5:30-6:30 pm
Saturday, April 27th, 8:30-10:00 am
Wednesday, May 1st, 5:30-6:30 pm
Games will start on May 4th
Rookie Fee: $30.00 for WCC Members
$35.00 for Community Partner (Westport, Wiscasset, Alna & Dresden)
$40.00 for Standard non-members
$10.00 late fee for Members/CP/Standard if registered after March 30th
Includes t-shirt and hat
8 year olds may petition to play up to Cal Ripken.
Please click on the link below for the petition.
Season schedules still to be determined.
Volunteers for Coaches & Concessions needed for all age groups.
Additional Forms and Files: